Nature of Wellness ™️ Podcast
Throughout history, cultures around the world have turned to nature as a source of increased health and well-being. While science continues to support this connection, and more programs are emerging to help us understand it, humans continue to spend the majority of our time indoors. Welcome to the Nature of Wellness, Podcast, where we will explore the relationship between the natural world and the human experience. Join Mark, Steve, and their expert guests as they discuss all things nature, conservation, life, health, and well-being. The future of health is NOW ™️.
Nature of Wellness ™️ Podcast
Episode Thirty Four-Nature and Neuroscience with Dr. Susan A. Masino
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Just in case it wasn’t clear, humans are complex. How our minds and bodies function together is nothing short of fascinating.
One of our favorite aspects of human performance and well-being is the neuroscience behind how we live.
Neuroscience is understood to be a multidisciplinary science, one that is focused on the unique structure and function of the human nervous system.
Research continues to show that how we interact with the natural world impacts our neurology in many ways. Studies have found that time in nature can lead to better attention and focus, increased sensory processing, enhanced cognitive flexibility and function, and more creativity.
As we have mentioned on multiple occasions, natural time leads to positive effects on our mental and emotional health as well, including the management of symptoms of anxiety and depression.
We do not doubt that most (if not all) of us have experienced these effects after spending time outside, but maybe we didn’t fully understand why.
Welcome to Episode Thirty-Four of The Nature of Wellness Podcast.
On this episode, we sat down with author, researcher, and nature-focused neuroscientist Dr. Susan A. Masino. Dr. Masino is a Professor of Applied Science at Trinity College, with a joint appointment in Neuroscience and Psychology. She is a former Fellow in Forest Research at Harvard and has published papers and policies on the natural stewardship of forest ecosystems, the promotion and restoration of brain health, and the relationship among metabolism, brain activity, and behavior.
Join us as we talk to Susan about her personal and professional journey with the natural world, the multiple benefits of how time in nature profoundly impacts our neurology, and the need to protect natural spaces for our continued existence as a species.
Dr. Masino also shares her personal experiences for creating and protecting what she calls “community wilds,” which is a critical need in our current social landscape of division and isolation.
We left this amazing conversation with nature on our brains (pun intended).
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We appreciate you all.
Be Well
Dr. Masino Faculty Profile at Trinity College:
Trinity College Frederick Olmsted Brain Series on YouTube:
Article Showcasing Dr. Masino:
Nature and Our Best Future by Dr. Masino:
RESTORE- the North Woods:
Old Growth Forest Profile:
* The Nature of Wellness Podcast is produced by the remarkable Shawn Bell.
** The NOW theme song was written, performed, produced, and graciously provided by the incredibly talented Phil and Niall