Nature of Wellness ™️ Podcast
Throughout history, cultures around the world have turned to nature as a source of increased health and well-being. While science continues to support this connection, and more programs are emerging to help us understand it, humans continue to spend the majority of our time indoors. Welcome to the Nature of Wellness, Podcast, where we will explore the relationship between the natural world and the human experience. Join Mark, Steve, and their expert guests as they discuss all things nature, conservation, life, health, and well-being. The future of health is NOW ™️.
Nature of Wellness ™️ Podcast
Episode Thirty Eight- Healthy Parks for Healthy People with National Parks Service Public Health Director Captain Sara Newman
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What if we told you that there was a healthcare system of over 400 locations that manages more than 325 million people each year and offers resources that are proven to positively impact every dimension of your health and well-being, with an annual cost (for unlimited visits) of less than $100...if not completely free?
Sound too good to be true?
The National Park Service, responsible for maintaining national parks and monuments, was established in 1916. In just over one hundred years, it has expanded to manage 429 individual units (often called parks), covering more than 85 million acres across all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and all US territories.
While these parks are primarily known for recreation and beautiful scenery, an underlying message of health and well-being has historically been part of the NPS mission. A formal agreement between NPS and the US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps was signed in 1921 and is considered one of the oldest agreements in the federal government. For more than a century, this partnership has protected, promoted, and advanced the health of NPS employees and the visiting public.
Welcome to Episode Thirty-Eight of The Nature of Wellness Podcast.
On this episode, we sat down with Dr. Sara Newman, an active duty Commissioned Corps Captain in the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) who has served for more than 30 years in public health positions with the private and public sectors. Captain Newman is the Director of the Office of Public Health at the National Park Service, leading public health protection, disease prevention, emergency response, and health promotion policy and programming for thousands of NPS employees and millions of annual visitors.
Join us as we talk to Captain Newman about her personal and professional journey, the unique and critical missions of the "Invisible Corps" (USPHS), how our national parks are vital for continued health and well-being, and how time in the natural world benefits patients and caregivers alike.
Captain Newman discusses the National Parks Service's many offerings, including the upcoming National Parks Week events happening April 20-28 across the country and some of her incredible memories of practicing public health in some of our country's most beautiful "offices."
We could not get outside fast enough after hearing this fantastic conversation (for the best possible reasons).
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We appreciate you all.
Be Well
National Park Week: https://www.nps.gov/subjects/npscelebrates/national-park-week.htm
National Park Week Calendar of Events: https://www.nps.gov/orgs/1207/4-8-2024-national-park-week.htm
Captain Newman Article: https://thebatt.com/featured/life-on-the-frontline/
Invisible Corps Documentary: https://invisiblecorps.com/
* The unbelievable Shawn Bell produces the Nature of Wellness Podcast.
** The NOW theme song was penned, performed, produced, and provided by the dynamic duo of Phil and Niall Monahan.