Nature of Wellness ™️ Podcast
Throughout history, cultures around the world have turned to nature as a source of increased health and well-being. While science continues to support this connection, and more programs are emerging to help us understand it, humans continue to spend the majority of our time indoors. Welcome to the Nature of Wellness, Podcast, where we will explore the relationship between the natural world and the human experience. Join Mark, Steve, and their expert guests as they discuss all things nature, conservation, life, health, and well-being. The future of health is NOW ™️.
Nature of Wellness ™️ Podcast
Episode Forty Six-"The Way of the Guide" with Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Founder Amos Clifford
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Humans have always interacted with the natural world and relied on environments such as forests for shelter, food, and medicine.
Cultures worldwide have started incorporating time in forests as part of therapeutic processes. Japanese healthcare systems have included the practice of shinrin-yoku (forest bathing) since the early 1980s, when they saw significant health challenges associated with their population shift from a pastoral to industrial culture.
Being inside for long periods was making their society sick…sound familiar?
Research continues to show the many benefits of immersing ourselves in natural settings, such as improved immune function, increased cardiovascular and respiratory health, improved creativity, and reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Nature and forest therapy is a research-based framework for supporting healing and wellness through immersion in forests and other natural environments.
Welcome to Episode Forty-Six of The Nature of Wellness Podcast.
In this episode, we sat down with Amos Clifford, Founder of the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy (ANFT) Guides and Programs, the world's leading forest therapy guide training and certification provider. Amos is a leading global advocate for Forest Therapy and the author of "Your Guide to Forest Bathing."
Join us as we speak to Amos about his journey with the natural world, his desire to integrate nature and forest therapies into health care and education, and how he brought together a multinational group of talented trainers to create the foundations of the ANFT programming.
Amos discusses the importance of rebuilding relationships with the "More-Than-Human World" as a foundation for healing people and the planet, the power of forest invitations, the ANFT "way of the guide," and how finding a "sit spot" can reveal the world around us.
We definitely felt guided through this amazing conversation…
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Be Well
ANFT Website: https://www.anft.earth/
Your Guide to Forest Bathing Book: https://www.amazon.com/Your-Guide-Forest-Bathing-Expanded/dp/1590035135/
Outside Magazine Forest Bathing Article: https://www.outsideonline.com/health/wellness/take-two-hours-pine-forest-and-call-me-morning/
* The unbelievable Shawn Bell produces the Nature of Wellness Podcast, making us sound good.
** The NOW theme song was penned, performed, produced, and provided by the dynamic duo of Phil and Niall Monahan.
*** This show wouldn't exist without our amazing guests and all of you who listen. Please like, subscribe, follow, and review to help us get these important messages out to more folks who can benefit from them. Thank you all.