Nature of Wellness ™️ Podcast
Throughout history, cultures around the world have turned to nature as a source of increased health and well-being. While science continues to support this connection, and more programs are emerging to help us understand it, humans continue to spend the majority of our time indoors. Welcome to the Nature of Wellness, Podcast, where we will explore the relationship between the natural world and the human experience. Join Mark, Steve, and their expert guests as they discuss all things nature, conservation, life, health, and well-being. The future of health is NOW ™️.
Nature of Wellness ™️ Podcast
Episode Fifty Four-Occupational Wellness and Thriving After Adversity with Dr. Natalie King
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One of the greatest measures of our quality of life is our ability to have proactive control of our health and well-being.
Sometimes we all need a bit of support along our journey to living well.
Occupational Therapy is often associated with workplace health issues such as returning to work after an injury or improving worksite ergonomic systems.
Occupational Therapists also help individuals focus on improving their ability to participate in activities of daily living by focusing on all of the ways they meaningfully, and independently occupy their time.
Welcome to Episode Fifty-Four of the Nature of Wellness ™️ Podcast!!!
In this episode with sat down with Occupational Therapist (OT), brain injury specialist, and health and wellness coach Dr .Natalie King. Natalie is the owner of Vibrant Living Skills, a company that is designed to holistically “help clients recover and regain their independence, all in the comfort of their homes.”
Join us as we speak to Natalie about all of the roles an OT can play in our health and wellness pursuits, how holistic support can help us effectively manage adversity, and practical techniques for improving our quality of everyday life.
She discusses the relationship her family shares with the natural world, her motivation for working with disabled veterans managing traumatic brain injuries, and how building nature into therapeutic programming can help elevate recovery.
This meaningful conversation set the stage for us to conquer our day.
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We appreciate you all.
Be Well
-NOW ™️
Vibrant Living Skills Website:
American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA):
* The unbelievable Shawn Bell produces the Nature of Wellness Podcast, making us sound good.
** The NOW theme song was penned, performed, produced, and provided by the dynamic duo of Phil and Niall Monahan.
*** This show wouldn't exist without our amazing guests and all of you who listen. Please like, subscribe, follow, and review to help us get these important messages out to more folks who can benefit from them. Thank you all.